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What Causes Adult and Teen Acne?

By Naomi West Platinum Quality Author

Acne is something that several of us have to suffer through while we are adolescents. It is a right of passage and a part of going through puberty. Though there are numerous good things that occur during this time it looks that there are a few unfavorable things that we must have to endure.

There are a couple who do not have to trouble about this at this age thanks to having good skin. But that does not imply that we will not have to worry about it in our life. Some individuals skate through puberty with just one or two pimples until they reach maturity and then they are bombed by it all the time.

Adult acne is becoming increasingly popular through the world and we are all ignorant as to how it is taking place. Many of us were under the illusion that when we left high school and all of pubescence we would never have to worry about it. Yet, this is not correct.

Teen acne is induced by the hormonal imbalance in the body during the time of puberty that is causing the bodies to alter and is also impacting their skin. This imbalance is causing oils to come to the top of the skin and thus rproducing acne all over their face and also their back.

When you are an adult it might at times be an secret to know just what is causing the acne. For certain people it is still made by incredibly oily skin. But there are a few who have dry skin - but still appear to hurt from it. This makes it tricky for them to utilize the typical over the counter medications because they are utilized to dry out the impacted areas.

Likewise people who suffer from adult acne are at in increased risk for having it much worse then they would have in high school. This is chiefly because they do not always treat it immediately. Because of this numerous adults will hurt from face acne scars that are able to occur after they have waited so long to address the problem.

Acne Scars on the face can be hard if not treated properly. There are many ways to Eliminate Acne. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Naomi_West

How to Treat Acne - Fast and Easy

By Ryan R Huber

Everyone who gets acne want to know how to treat acne. Nearly 100% of people in there teen years will get some form of acne. Whether is a little zit or pimples all of their face or the worst case of acne, called Cystic Acne. To know how to treat acne, you need to know what is causing you to get acne.

What causes acne?

There are a number of reasons acne can occur. Teenagers going through puberty are most likely to get acne because during puberty, their hormones increase. When hormone levels are high, oil glands begin to produce more oil. The oil mixes in with all the dirt and dead cells causing pores to become infected. The infected pores result in pimples and other types of acne.

What are treatments of acne?

There are many different ways to treat acne. Everyone's acne is different, so everyone's acne is treated differently. Some can be treated by face wash, spot treatments, creams, medications. The best way to treat acne is by treating it using natural methods. Creams, lotions, gels, spot treatments do not cure acne most of the time, but my treating acne naturally you can cure acne for good.

Tips for Acne?

  • Do not squeeze pimples - Squeezing pimples can result in more acne and scars.
  • Drink LOTS of water - By drinking plenty of water, your body will be able to release toxins inside the body which cause acne breakouts.
  • Wash your bed sheets every couple days - Your pillow case builds up oil and dirt from your face and hair while you sleep. To help decrease the amount of oil on your pillow, washing your pillow case every couple days is highly recommended.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_R_Huber

A 6-Step Guide to Treat Teen Acne

By Alexander Miller

Teen acne is a very common problem. Almost every teenager has to battle it at some point of time in those adolescent years. However, it is important for you to understand that it is not a disease. It is a normal part of growing up. Still, if left uncared or untreated, it may become a very serious problem. Following are six simple steps, which if you follow thoroughly, can help you get rid of acne and achieve a clear skin faster.

Have A Daily Skin-Clearing Routine

Good skin care on a daily basis is the first step towards treating teen acne. Wash your face at least two times a day - once in the morning when you wake up and once at night before you retire to bed. Use a foaming cleanser for this purpose, such as the one with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. However, if you have peeling or flaking, or washing makes your skin feel tight, you are recommended to use a light, oil-free moisturizer.

Consistency Is The Key

The main reason why the treatment often takes too much time is that teens tend to be inconsistent in following the procedure thoroughly. Therefore, if you want effective results rapidly, you must be consistent with the treatment. Take your medications in a timely manner.

Excess Of Anything Is Bad

When it comes to treating teen acne, it is also very important for you to understand that over-doing the treatment procedures will not do any good. All it will do is worsen the condition furthermore. For example, too much application of topical treatment may result in red, peeling skin. Have some patience. It takes some times to get the results.

Be Very Careful About Touching Your Face With Hand

Teens tend to touch their pimples on face by hand. If that is the case with you also, you are strongly recommended to avoid such temptation because poking, popping, picking, or squeezing your pimples is very much likely to cause considerable damage to your face through scarring. So, be very careful. Always remember, pimples are a temporary problem, but acne scars may last forever.

Covering Your Pimples

Teens often try to cover their pimples using make up. Here again, not all kinds of make up products are good for acne. Some products, especially oil-based foundations, comedogenic makeup, and heavy makeup will only worsen the problem. The best choice for you is to use an oil free brand, especially the one with nonacnegenic or noncomedogenic label.

Discuss Your Problem With Your Parents

Teens usually hesitate discussing their acne problems with their parents, which is not good. There is no harm in asking for help. If your over-the-counter-treatments are not producing effective results, you must talk to your parents or any adult that you are close to.

Overall, following the above six steps will definitely make things much easier for you and you will be able to treat teen acne in the best possible manner. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alexander_Miller

Teen Acne Remedies

By Alina M.

Teenagers experience acne mostly because of changes in hormones. As the body matures, it also stimulates the production of sebaceous glands in the skin. This clogs the pores, and thus causes acne. However, it is important to note that although most teenagers will experience acne at least once, there are plenty of ways to treat it and get clear skin again.

Where do teenagers most commonly get acne? Well, most people would assume the face, which is true, but another common place is the back and chest. For some teenagers, the body acne gets so bad that they cannot even wear tank tops, or they are ashamed to go to the beach.

No teenager should ever have to deal with such terrible acne, and so one way to treat body acne is in the form of specialized body wash. The body wash should first and foremost contain microbeads to get rid of the excess dry skin and dirt that naturally accumulates on the body. Secondly, the body wash should have salicylic acid in it in order to clear up the redness in the acne.

When it comes to treating the acne on the face, the first thing that a teen should do (yes, even the boys!) apply a face masque. There are many different face masques available, but the key is in finding one that has clay base. As it dries, the clay also removes the dirt from the pores, thereby clearing up the acne. So, the ideal process is washing the face in the morning and at night with acne face wash, applying a face masque twice a week, and taking a shower with special body wash every other day. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alina_M.

Teen Acne Treatments - 5 Proven Tips For A Healthy Skin

By Abhishek Agarwal

Acne is very common for teenagers, and often impacts more than just their physical appearance. It can also negatively affect their self-image and self confidence, making them reluctant to participate in social activities and sports. Acne is caused by increased hormonal activity within the skin's sebaceous (commonly called oil) glands. It affects teenagers because adolescence is a time of increased hormonal changes. The extra secretions of oil, combined with dead skin cells and surface dirt, leads to clogged pores and outbreaks of lesions, which we call pimples, blemishes or acne. Acne commonly occurs in the neck, face, back, shoulders and chest because the body's sebaceous glands are more densely distributed here. However, help is available to combat the effects of acne.

Two Common Mistakes In The Treatment Of Acne

Acne has little to do with diet, except in cases of food allergies, or by too much facial washing. These are two common myths often associated with this condition. Too much facial cleansing can cause the skin to become dry and irritated, aggravating and inflaming existing acne breakouts, but it does not cause more acne to form. If acne pimples are ruptured by cleansing that is too rough or by harsh products the infection may be spread over a wider area.

In addition, it is not advisable to pinch or pop acne pimples. Pinching can drive the bacteria that cause acne deeper into the skin, creating more or deeper pimples under the surface. Rupturing pimples allows the infection to escape onto the surface of the skin, clogging and infecting surrounding pores. Although it has been a common practice, it really isn't a good idea.

Five Tips To Treat Acne

1. Since adolescents usually produce more skin oil than adults, it is important to cleanse twice a day with a mild cleanser that won't dry or inflame the skin. This cleanses excess dirt and oil away from the skin. It is also important to keep the skin properly hydrated and moisturized. Oily skin doesn't mean that the skin is properly moisturized. Attempting to dry oily skin by harsh cleansing often causes the glands to work overtime to re-hydrate the skin. Using a light moisturizer helps to prevent the secretion of excess skin oils.

2. Facial cleansing has the added benefit of preventing more acne from forming because it removes those agents that cause acne: excess oil, dead skin cells, and surface dirt. Since the goal of acne treatment is prevention, a good skin care regimen is the best place to start.

3. While exfoliants are a good idea, choose one that is gentle to the skin and which has small grains. Smaller grains are not as harsh, aren't as likely to scratch the surface, and won't aggravate acne. They gently remove dead skin cells, freshening and beautifying the skin. Also, don't scrub your skin; use light, circular movements to exfoliate without damaging the skin.

4. Avoid products that contain substantial amounts of alcohol. Alcohol has a drying effect upon the skin, causing it to produce more oil to compensate for that moisture which has been stripped away. If using a toner, choose one that contains no alcohol.

5. Choose make-up products wisely. Avoid those products that may have caused or contributed to past breakouts, and select only those that won't clog pores and create blackheads. Never go to sleep with make-up on, always wash it off before going to bed.

Although no one can combat their physiology entirely, acne can be controlled by a good skin care regimen. In cases of persistent, severe acne, or where cystic acne may exist, the best course is to consult a physician. There are a lot of medications that can treat acne; it is not something that you must "suffer through" alone. Finding a solution is the best way to improve self-esteem. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Abhishek_Agarwal

5 Tips About Treatment For Teenage Acne

By Patty Flowers

The best treatment for teen acne is to prevent them from appearing in the first place. The following are few simple tips that you can use to help minimize your breakouts and effectively treat teenage acne.

First off you should know that teens produce more oil on their skin. This is why teenage acne treatment relies on washing your face twice a day with warm water and a mild cleanser.

Remember that some oil is necessary to maintain healthy skin so don't over wash your skin, otherwise you will force your glands to produce more oil which will just make the problem of teenage acne worse.

Exfoliate is helpful for teen acne treatment, but you should use a gentle formula that has small and smooth grains. Don't use teenage acne treatments that have almond or apricot shell fragments since they will irritate and tear your skin even more, causing your acne breakouts to become worse. So be sure to carefully choose your teenage acne treatments.

If you use a toner in your treatment for teenage acne then be sure to avoid the products with a high concentration of alcohol. Alcohol will strip the top layer from your skin which results in more oil being produced. This leads to dry, flaky skin and more embarrassing blemishes.

If you have acne blemishes it is important that you don't squeeze or pick them as a part of your teen acne treatment. Doing this can force the bacteria deeper into your skin which leads to more inflammation and infection, increasing the chance of permanent scars. When it comes to teenage acne treatment always keep in mind the advice that a properly treated zit will go away while an improperly treated one will last a lot longer.

So be sure to carefully select the proper treatment for teen acne. Doing so will not only help you find an excellent treatment for teenage acne, but will also prevent you from having permanent skin scarring for the rest of your life? Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Patty_Flowers

Solutions For The Problem Of Teen Acne

By Frank Cordova

Researchers have shown that worldwide the adolescent population, regardless of ethnicity or race, has suffered occasional pimples, whiteheads or blackheads at least once in their life. Studies show that the ages of 12 to 20 is the prime time for occurrence of acne because the hormone levels become higher.

The Root Cause Of Teen Acne

When a boy or a girl enters puberty his or her body starts to produce hormones called androgens. This androgen increases the size of the sebaceous gland, hiking up the production of sebum. The excess of oil produced along with general dirt and dead skin clogs the pores of the skin or hair follicles and forms a micro-comedone (microscopic lesion), the material that gets trapped reacts with bacteria and causes redness, swelling and sometimes pus.

Secretion of endogenous hormones like androgens and progesterone in teens is the internal cause triggering acne.

Drugs like isoniazid, corticosteroids, phenytoin, oral contraceptive pills and compounds containing lithium also causes acne.

Skin bacteria, especially Propionibacterium acnes, petroleum, vegetable and animal oils, cosmetics containing oil or wax, local pressure from objects like shoulder pads, helmets or headbands are some of the external causes of acne. Sometimes, excess motional stress or perspiration can fan the flames of acne.

People are not genetically predisposed to acne according to their racial or ethnic origin. But some cultural practices like cultural grooming with oily ingredients can cause blockage of sebaceous gland causing acne.

You will be happy to know that chocolates or greasy foods are not the cause of acne.

Treatments Of Teen Acne

Today is not the age to shy away from these ugly spots. Advance medical technology with state of the art cures will help you get rid of acne. For someone who is first going to be treated for acne it is best to start up with a topical antibacterial therapy like some antibacterial preparation. If the symptom persists with increased degree of inflammation it is better to switch to oral antibiotics.

Benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, salicylic acid, and sulfur are the topical treatments used as “peeling agents” causing irritation and drying. They help the body to shed off the dead cells and kill off the acne-causing bacteria.

Benzoyl peroxide combined with an antibiotic such as Erythromycin or Oxytetracycline can destroy bacteria and reduce inflammation.

Vitamin A derivatives called Retinoids are also a prescription drug used to cure acne. Retinoids help unblock the pores of the skin promoting the skin renewal process, reducing sebum production and causing the dead skin to be shed off of the body. Accutane (isotretinoin) is approved by the FDA to treat severe cystic acne for people where other treatments failed to cure acne. But this drug can be dangerous if taken during pregnancy, so the FDA does not recommend the drug for a woman of childbearing age.

Retin-A (tretinoin) is an acne-preventing drug but it is for application on the skin and not an oral drug. This medicine is quite safe even during pregnancy.

Topical antibiotics like a cream or a powder also can eradicate bacteria and control acne at certain stages. However, sometimes these drugs can cause side effects like emotional upheavals, so you should first consult your doctor before starting up with any treatment regime.

The Steps To Keep Teen Acne At Bay

  1. Clean your face with an appropriate and gentle cleanser in the morning and before going to bed.
  2. Remember to remove the last speck of make-up from your face before going to bed.
  3. You can use a treatment product, which will reduce inflammation, along with exfoliating your skin to prevent future growth.
  4. Apply a deep cleansing mask once a week to clean the skin impurities and to shed off the dead skin cells that block the pores.
  5. Go for the right make-up that suits your skin. Oil free cosmetics are preferable. It is better if you can use makeup containing salicylic acid to prevent eruptions.

A face full of pimples can harm emotional stability during the adolescence period. Often for teenagers it is a social stigma, which hampers their self-esteem. A proper treatment regime can help give you flawless skin and a better social life, too! Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Frank_Cordova