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5 Tips About Treatment For Teenage Acne

By Patty Flowers

The best treatment for teen acne is to prevent them from appearing in the first place. The following are few simple tips that you can use to help minimize your breakouts and effectively treat teenage acne.

First off you should know that teens produce more oil on their skin. This is why teenage acne treatment relies on washing your face twice a day with warm water and a mild cleanser.

Remember that some oil is necessary to maintain healthy skin so don't over wash your skin, otherwise you will force your glands to produce more oil which will just make the problem of teenage acne worse.

Exfoliate is helpful for teen acne treatment, but you should use a gentle formula that has small and smooth grains. Don't use teenage acne treatments that have almond or apricot shell fragments since they will irritate and tear your skin even more, causing your acne breakouts to become worse. So be sure to carefully choose your teenage acne treatments.

If you use a toner in your treatment for teenage acne then be sure to avoid the products with a high concentration of alcohol. Alcohol will strip the top layer from your skin which results in more oil being produced. This leads to dry, flaky skin and more embarrassing blemishes.

If you have acne blemishes it is important that you don't squeeze or pick them as a part of your teen acne treatment. Doing this can force the bacteria deeper into your skin which leads to more inflammation and infection, increasing the chance of permanent scars. When it comes to teenage acne treatment always keep in mind the advice that a properly treated zit will go away while an improperly treated one will last a lot longer.

So be sure to carefully select the proper treatment for teen acne. Doing so will not only help you find an excellent treatment for teenage acne, but will also prevent you from having permanent skin scarring for the rest of your life? Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Patty_Flowers