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Solutions For The Problem Of Teen Acne

By Frank Cordova

Researchers have shown that worldwide the adolescent population, regardless of ethnicity or race, has suffered occasional pimples, whiteheads or blackheads at least once in their life. Studies show that the ages of 12 to 20 is the prime time for occurrence of acne because the hormone levels become higher.

The Root Cause Of Teen Acne

When a boy or a girl enters puberty his or her body starts to produce hormones called androgens. This androgen increases the size of the sebaceous gland, hiking up the production of sebum. The excess of oil produced along with general dirt and dead skin clogs the pores of the skin or hair follicles and forms a micro-comedone (microscopic lesion), the material that gets trapped reacts with bacteria and causes redness, swelling and sometimes pus.

Secretion of endogenous hormones like androgens and progesterone in teens is the internal cause triggering acne.

Drugs like isoniazid, corticosteroids, phenytoin, oral contraceptive pills and compounds containing lithium also causes acne.

Skin bacteria, especially Propionibacterium acnes, petroleum, vegetable and animal oils, cosmetics containing oil or wax, local pressure from objects like shoulder pads, helmets or headbands are some of the external causes of acne. Sometimes, excess motional stress or perspiration can fan the flames of acne.

People are not genetically predisposed to acne according to their racial or ethnic origin. But some cultural practices like cultural grooming with oily ingredients can cause blockage of sebaceous gland causing acne.

You will be happy to know that chocolates or greasy foods are not the cause of acne.

Treatments Of Teen Acne

Today is not the age to shy away from these ugly spots. Advance medical technology with state of the art cures will help you get rid of acne. For someone who is first going to be treated for acne it is best to start up with a topical antibacterial therapy like some antibacterial preparation. If the symptom persists with increased degree of inflammation it is better to switch to oral antibiotics.

Benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, salicylic acid, and sulfur are the topical treatments used as “peeling agents” causing irritation and drying. They help the body to shed off the dead cells and kill off the acne-causing bacteria.

Benzoyl peroxide combined with an antibiotic such as Erythromycin or Oxytetracycline can destroy bacteria and reduce inflammation.

Vitamin A derivatives called Retinoids are also a prescription drug used to cure acne. Retinoids help unblock the pores of the skin promoting the skin renewal process, reducing sebum production and causing the dead skin to be shed off of the body. Accutane (isotretinoin) is approved by the FDA to treat severe cystic acne for people where other treatments failed to cure acne. But this drug can be dangerous if taken during pregnancy, so the FDA does not recommend the drug for a woman of childbearing age.

Retin-A (tretinoin) is an acne-preventing drug but it is for application on the skin and not an oral drug. This medicine is quite safe even during pregnancy.

Topical antibiotics like a cream or a powder also can eradicate bacteria and control acne at certain stages. However, sometimes these drugs can cause side effects like emotional upheavals, so you should first consult your doctor before starting up with any treatment regime.

The Steps To Keep Teen Acne At Bay

  1. Clean your face with an appropriate and gentle cleanser in the morning and before going to bed.
  2. Remember to remove the last speck of make-up from your face before going to bed.
  3. You can use a treatment product, which will reduce inflammation, along with exfoliating your skin to prevent future growth.
  4. Apply a deep cleansing mask once a week to clean the skin impurities and to shed off the dead skin cells that block the pores.
  5. Go for the right make-up that suits your skin. Oil free cosmetics are preferable. It is better if you can use makeup containing salicylic acid to prevent eruptions.

A face full of pimples can harm emotional stability during the adolescence period. Often for teenagers it is a social stigma, which hampers their self-esteem. A proper treatment regime can help give you flawless skin and a better social life, too! Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Frank_Cordova