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A 6-Step Guide to Treat Teen Acne

By Alexander Miller

Teen acne is a very common problem. Almost every teenager has to battle it at some point of time in those adolescent years. However, it is important for you to understand that it is not a disease. It is a normal part of growing up. Still, if left uncared or untreated, it may become a very serious problem. Following are six simple steps, which if you follow thoroughly, can help you get rid of acne and achieve a clear skin faster.

Have A Daily Skin-Clearing Routine

Good skin care on a daily basis is the first step towards treating teen acne. Wash your face at least two times a day - once in the morning when you wake up and once at night before you retire to bed. Use a foaming cleanser for this purpose, such as the one with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. However, if you have peeling or flaking, or washing makes your skin feel tight, you are recommended to use a light, oil-free moisturizer.

Consistency Is The Key

The main reason why the treatment often takes too much time is that teens tend to be inconsistent in following the procedure thoroughly. Therefore, if you want effective results rapidly, you must be consistent with the treatment. Take your medications in a timely manner.

Excess Of Anything Is Bad

When it comes to treating teen acne, it is also very important for you to understand that over-doing the treatment procedures will not do any good. All it will do is worsen the condition furthermore. For example, too much application of topical treatment may result in red, peeling skin. Have some patience. It takes some times to get the results.

Be Very Careful About Touching Your Face With Hand

Teens tend to touch their pimples on face by hand. If that is the case with you also, you are strongly recommended to avoid such temptation because poking, popping, picking, or squeezing your pimples is very much likely to cause considerable damage to your face through scarring. So, be very careful. Always remember, pimples are a temporary problem, but acne scars may last forever.

Covering Your Pimples

Teens often try to cover their pimples using make up. Here again, not all kinds of make up products are good for acne. Some products, especially oil-based foundations, comedogenic makeup, and heavy makeup will only worsen the problem. The best choice for you is to use an oil free brand, especially the one with nonacnegenic or noncomedogenic label.

Discuss Your Problem With Your Parents

Teens usually hesitate discussing their acne problems with their parents, which is not good. There is no harm in asking for help. If your over-the-counter-treatments are not producing effective results, you must talk to your parents or any adult that you are close to.

Overall, following the above six steps will definitely make things much easier for you and you will be able to treat teen acne in the best possible manner. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alexander_Miller