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Teen Acne Remedies

By Alina M.

Teenagers experience acne mostly because of changes in hormones. As the body matures, it also stimulates the production of sebaceous glands in the skin. This clogs the pores, and thus causes acne. However, it is important to note that although most teenagers will experience acne at least once, there are plenty of ways to treat it and get clear skin again.

Where do teenagers most commonly get acne? Well, most people would assume the face, which is true, but another common place is the back and chest. For some teenagers, the body acne gets so bad that they cannot even wear tank tops, or they are ashamed to go to the beach.

No teenager should ever have to deal with such terrible acne, and so one way to treat body acne is in the form of specialized body wash. The body wash should first and foremost contain microbeads to get rid of the excess dry skin and dirt that naturally accumulates on the body. Secondly, the body wash should have salicylic acid in it in order to clear up the redness in the acne.

When it comes to treating the acne on the face, the first thing that a teen should do (yes, even the boys!) apply a face masque. There are many different face masques available, but the key is in finding one that has clay base. As it dries, the clay also removes the dirt from the pores, thereby clearing up the acne. So, the ideal process is washing the face in the morning and at night with acne face wash, applying a face masque twice a week, and taking a shower with special body wash every other day. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alina_M.